Vision Statement
“Growing together toward maturity in Christ.” (Col. 1:28, 29)
Mission Statement
“Our mission is to bring new hope, through the grace and peace of Jesus Christ, to the local campuses, our communities, and countries around the world.”
To this end we will be a local church with…
Empowering Leadership
Effective leadership begins with an intimate relationship with God and a growing knowledge of and obedience to His Word, resulting in Christ- like character and a clear sense of God’s calling for leader’s lives. As this base of spiritual maturity increases, effective pastors and leaders multiply, guide, train, empower and equip disciples to realize their full potential in Christ and work together to accomplish God’s vision. Leaders focus on equipping and training other Christians to do ministry. Leaders are committed wholly to church growth, they empower others to do the work of the ministry and develop strategic partnerships.
Gift-Oriented Ministry
The Holy Spirit sovereignly gives to every Christian spiritual gift(s) for the building of God’s kingdom. Church leaders have the responsibility to help believers discover, develop and exercise their gifts in appropriate ministries so that the Body of Christ “grows and builds itself up in love.” Rather than people filling required slots to keep the machinery turning, ministry tasks are being distributed according to the spiritual gifts of the people. Christians in our church are using their God given gifts to glorify God, build up the church and accomplish Christ’s ministries.
Passionate Spirituality
Effective ministry flows out of a vibrant relationship with Christ. Spiritual intimacy leads to a strong conviction that God will act in powerful ways. A godly vision can only be accomplished through faith, which views obstacles as opportunities and turns defeats into victories. The spiritual lives of the church members are characterized by Bible study, prayer, enthusiasm, and boldness. Members live out their faith with power and contagious enthusiasm. Life is marked by grace rather than duty or legalism.
Functional Structures
The Church is the living Body of Christ. Like all healthy organisms, it requires numerous systems which work together to fulfill its intended purpose. Each must be evaluated regularly to determine if it is still the best way to accomplish the intended purpose. The forms, practices, and structures of the church are designed to most effectively accomplish ministry in this time and place (form follows function); church structures are evaluated as to whether or not they contribute to the glory of God and the growth of the church.
Inspiring Worship
Ultimately, everything we do is either an act of worship or an act of idolatry. Personal and corporate encounters with the Living God are inspiring expressions of worship. Both personal and corporate worship must be infused with the presence of God resulting in times of joyous exultation and times of quiet reverence. Corporate inspiring worship is not driven by a particular style or ministry focus group – but rather the shared experience of God’s awesome presence. Attending worship services is inspiring and uplifting to those who attend; worship is a high point of the week for the congregation. People come away feeling joyful and fulfilled, having met with God.
Holistic Home Groups
Holistic home groups are disciple-making communities which endeavor to reach the unchurched, meet individual needs, develop each person according to their God-given gifts and raise leaders to sustain the growth of the church. Like healthy body cells, holistic home groups are designed to grow and multiply. There is a continuous multiplication of home groups that meet the real needs of people; the loving and healing power of fellowship is experienced in these groups. Practical discipleship happens in these groups.
Need-Oriented Evangelism
Need-oriented evangelism intentionally cultivates relationships with non-Christians so they can become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who are actively participating within the life of the church and community. Using appropriate ministries and authentic relationships, believers can guide others into the family of God. Evangelistic activities relate directly to the needs of the people the church is trying to reach. Christians use their spiritual gifts to help fulfill the Great Commission. Everyone uses his or her current network of contacts with the unchurched to extend the church.
Loving Relationships
Loving relationships are the heart of a healthy, growing church. Jesus said people will know we are his disciples by our love. Practical demonstration of love builds authentic Christian community and brings others into God’s kingdom. Relationships among the members of the church are characterized by a high level of godly love and respect for one another. Christ’s love permeates all church activities. Mutual encouragement and the joy of the Lord flow continually.